Vermeer Wisconsin Believes In Safety

Vermeer Wisconsin works to keep people safe, when using Vermeer equipment. SAFETY is our everyday focus, reducing leading causes of injury and death at work. Vermeer machines have been designed and built with safety in mind. From safety bars on our brush chippers, to guards around the cutter wheel and operator presence feature on our stump cutter, strike alert, cooper stakes for the ground to detect electric current when drilling and much, much more. It takes more than machine engineering to prevent accidents.  Owners, operators and crew member must use the machines properly and pay attention to proper job-site safety management.

As a leader in safety, it is important to us to have all our PPE when visiting a customers job-site, during all demos and equipment start ups.

Over the years, Vermeer has produced a number of operations and safety videos for current and older Vermeer machines, these are available on-line.

More Safety Video’s Available